Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Homework Hassles -- Springfield Dad-in-Training Jeffrey Sippy

When you were a child doing your homework did you ever wonder, “When am I going to use this stuff again?”    

For instance, when was the last time you referenced the Japanese surrender on September 2, 1945? 

The Japanese Surrender demonstrated the strength of the allied forces and effectively marked the end of WWII.  This will be on the test.    

Held in Tokyo Bay on the deck of the battleship USS Missouri, representatives from Japan and the Allied Nations signed a formal document of surrender. Thousands of Allied planes flew overhead. 

Ready for the test?

True or False. Japan surrendered on September 2, 1945.
True or False. Japan’s surrender demonstrated the strength of the allies and the end of WWII?
True or False. Japan’s surrender took place on the deck of the USS Missouri. 
True or False. The point of this illustration is that Japan surrendered and you are not! 

Homework can be a hassle, but we are not surrendering.  We are Good Dads and we are in this together.    

Good Dads, I have good news for you.  I am a survivor.  My children are 26, 24, and 22.  My two oldest sons have graduated from college and my youngest son is well on his way.  It wasn’t always easy, but it should never be a fight.  I did my homework.  You can, too.        

My oldest son was 12 and he absolutely would not do his homework. He wouldn’t budge.  So I pulled out the artillery.  Like President Truman ordering the atomic strike on Hiroshima, my son was going to surrender or get blown off the map.  I got in his face.  I yelled.  I threatened.      

My middle son jumped between the two of us and yelled at me, “Will you shut up?!”

There was two of them and one of me.  I felt like General Lee facing the Union armies at Gettysburg. I fired back:  “Me?  He’s yelling, too!”  “Yeah!!”  My middle son exclaimed.  “But you are the Dad!!” 

Yes. I am the Dad.    

Here are three suggestions and one encouragement I learned in battle:    

·      Don’t insult or berate your children’s teachers or coaches under any circumstance.  You are only fueling your child’s notion that this is a waste of time.  Support and encourage your children’s teachers and coaches.
·      Don’t undermine or make fun of the homework assignment.  Make it into an adventure   to accomplish together

·     Don’t think of the end product as the end product.  You are not just doing history or   math.  You are spending time with your child and helping them towards their future.

Your assignment is to love and nurture and encourage your child.  The goal is not an “A” on the paper. The goal is assisting your child become the person he or she will one day be.   

True or False, Homework can be hassle but spending time with your children and helping them towards their future is worth it all.  

 Jeff Sippy, a Dad-In-Training, is the father of three young men and the husband of Cindy. He enjoys sailing every chance that he gets. He is the senior pastor at Redeemer Lutheran in Springfield, MO and can be reached for question or comment at

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